You have to download and install a third-party GUI program like PC Equalizer or PEACE that takes the command-line hassle off you.Īll other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

While Equalizer APO is a really awesome piece of software, it lacks a configuration GUI. Extremely little latency great for interactive apps. The purpose of the Equalizer APO is to enhance your sound quality and strength. An Audio Processing Object, also known as APO, is implemented for the Windows Vista-based system effect infrastructure. IE WASAPI or ASIO would bypass the equalizer as well. DPS (Digital Power Station) by Bongiovi Acoustic Labs is another one of the best free sound equalizer for Windows 10 users who enjoy customizing the sound of different apps, movies, music, video games, and conferencing software like Skype or Face-time. Equalizer APO (32-bit) Equalizer APO for Microsoft Windows is a graphic or parametric equalizer. Any Windows audio will be equalized including Itunes, Windows Media Player, games, anything so long as it doesn't bypass the Windows driver. It doesn't use ASIO and doesn't require any tricks to get it to work. It is implemented as an Audio Processing Object for the system effect infrastructure introduced with Vista. Equalizer APO is a parametric equalizer for Windows.